Now and then you may have a need to read a task sequence variable during the OSD process. Today was one of those days. I had just modified a step in my task sequence and used the variable %OSDisk%. Well, the task failed. So……I put a pause in the task sequence and used PowerShell to find the variable. Turns out, there isn’t an OSDisk variable once the OS is dropped.
To see the variables and their values:
· Your WinPE boot image needs to have PowerShell on it
· In WinPE hit F8 to open a command prompt
· Type PowerShell to….well, you know, open PowerShell!!
$tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
Foreach ($i in $TSEnv.GetVariables()) {“$i” + ‘ = ‘ + $TSEnv.Value(“$i”) | Out-File FilePath X:\Windows\Temp\SMSTSlog\TSVar.log –append}
At this point you can use CMTrace to open and view the file.
If you just want to see the value of one TS Variable: $TSEnv.Value(“OSDTargetSystemDrive”) for example.
Notes: The log file created has a ton of duplicate variables and values. Not sure why, and really don’t care either!! All I wanted to do was find the value for where the Operating System is. I have no idea if I will ever need to query TS Variables again, but good to know that I can!