Updated SCCM Computer Startup Script

In the past I have posted a VBScript that I use to install the SCCM Client and check SCCM Client health.  The updates that I have are related to fixing broken WMI.  The script is put in a GPO as a Computer Startup Script.


' NAME: SCCM_Client_Health_Check
' AUTHOR: Matthew Teegarden
' DATE  : 08/25/2010
' Based on the script by Chris Stauffer http://myitforum.com/cs2/blogs/cstauffer/archive/2009/12/18/sccm-sp2-health-check-startup-script-1-7.aspx
' COMMENT: Version 1.1
' 	1.0 - initial script
' 	1.1 - complete re-write.  added WMI check / Fix

Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next

Dim WshShell ' Wscript.shell
Dim fso ' FileSystemObject
Dim StrScanRun ' used for incremental count of the amount of times this script has run
Dim StrSCCMPath ' used for the location of SCCM client
Dim CCMSetupFolder ' used for the location of the CCMSetup folder
Dim SMSClientVersion ' used for storing SCCM Client Version
Dim InstallArgs ' used for SCCM Client installation switches
Dim ComSpec ' WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMSPEC%")
Dim smsinstall ' SCCM Installation command
Dim strAdmAcct ' used for storing the AD Group that needs to be in the local administrators group
Dim strDomain ' stores the domain of the AD Group that needs to be in the local administrators group
Dim strGroupName ' stores the AD Group name that needs to be in the local administrators group
Dim objLocalGroup ' stores the Administrators local group
Dim strComputerName ' used for storing the computer name
Dim gstrSiteCode ' used to determine the site code of the strComptuerName
Dim Results ' used to store service state
Dim sFolder ' used to store folder path
Dim oFolder ' used to store specific folders
Dim oFile ' used for specific files
Dim WBEMFolder ' used for the wbem repository
Dim startdate ' used for SMSProvide log file access time
Dim enddate ' used for comparing the current time with last access time of the SMSProvider log file
Dim diffdate ' used to store the difference between startdate and enddate
Dim colItems ' used in For Each loops
Dim objItem ' used in For Each loops
Dim bAlreadyExists ' stores TRUE or FALSE values for strAdmAcct in the local Administrators group
Dim CurrentDirectory ' stores the location that the script is running from
Dim ScriptFullName ' stores the scripts full name.  Used with CurrentDirectory
Dim objWMI ' Used for the WMI service
Dim returncode ' used to store return codes of functions
Dim servicename ' used to pass a service name into functions
Dim Started, Stopped ' used for starting and stopping services
Dim StrSCCMInstall ' counter for how many times SCCM Client has been installed
Dim AssignedSite ' used for SCCM site assignment
Dim AutoAssignedSite ' used for auto site assignment
Dim SmsClient ' used for the SCCM WMI namespace
Dim strValueName ' used for storing registry values during the History Shift function
Dim strLogging ' used for turning logging on or off
Dim logfile ' used to write to the log file
Dim strKeyPath ' used to find the value (if exists) in the registry if the DISABLECACHEOPT and DISABLESITEOPT option was used during install
Dim strEntryName ' used to find the value (if exists) in the registry if the DISABLECACHEOPT and DISABLESITEOPT option was used during install
Dim strValue  ' ' used to find the value (if exists) in the registry if the DISABLECACHEOPT and DISABLESITEOPT option was used during install
Dim WMIisCorrupt ' used to determine if WMI is functional
Dim SomethingIsWrong ' used to determine is something is wrong!
Dim booOverWrite 

Set WshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'===========File System Constants==================================
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Const OverwriteExisting = True
Const HARD_DISK = 3
'===========Registry Constants=====================================
Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002

InstallArgs = " SMSSITECODE=AUTO SMSCACHESIZE=4096"' only needed if you have not extended AD other wise enter SCCM Client Install aguments
strAdmAcct = "DOMAIN/GROUP"	'Specify Desktop SMS Admin account domain/account
strDomain = "DOMAIN"
strGroupName = "GROUP"
strComputerName = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%computername%")
ComSpec = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMSPEC%")
strLogging = "enabled"

' Log file
If strLogging = "enabled" Then
	Set logfile = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\windows\temp\ConfigMgrClient.Log",ForWriting,True)
	logfile.Writeline ""
	logfile.Writeline Now
	logfile.Writeline ""
End If	

'WMI Test
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name = 'WinMgmt'")
For Each objItem In colItems
	Results = objItem.name
If Results = "" Or IsNull(results) Then 
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline "WMI Is Corrupt"
	End If
	WMIisCorrupt = "True"
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline "WMI is good"
	End If
Set Results = nothing
End If

' Get Local CCM Path
StrSCCMPath = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Client\Configuration\Client Properties\Local SMS Path")
If StrSCCMPath = "" Or IsNull (StrSCCMPath) Then 
	StrSCCMPath = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SMS\Client\Configuration\Client Properties\Local SMS Path")
End If	
If strLogging = "enabled" Then
	logfile.Writeline "Get local CCM Path = " & StrSCCMPath
End If
If StrSCCMPath = "" Or IsNull (StrSCCMPath) Then
End If

' Check for SCCM Helath Check registry key and create it if it doesn't exist 
StrScanRun = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\Scan_Run")
If StrScanRun = "" Or IsNull (StrScanRun) Then 
	StrScanRun = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\Scan_Run")
End If	
If StrScanRun = "" Or IsNull (StrScanRun) Then
	WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\Scan_Run"), "0"
End If	

' Write current time to the registry
WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\Last_Run"), Now()

' Check for CCMEXEC service
Results = ServiceState("ccmexec")'Check CCM Status
If strLogging = "enabled" Then
	logfile.Writeline "SMS Agent Host = " & Results
End If
If LCase(Results) = LCase("Running")Then
	WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\CCM_Service_Check"), "Running"
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline "SMS Agent Host = " & Results
	End If
' CCMExec serivice is running.  Do SCCM Health checks			
	Check_Client_info  'Check Client Variable	    			
	CheckSitecode      'Check Client SiteCode
	ClientVersionCheck 'Check Client Versiont 
ElseIf LCase(Results) = LCase("Stopped")Then
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline "SMS Agent Host = " & Results
  End If
	set Results = Nothing
	Call EnableService("ccmexec") 
	WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\CCM_Service_Check"), "CCM Service was Stopped"
	' CCMExec serivice is running.  Do SCCM Health checks					    		
	Check_Client_info 'Check Client Variable	    			
	CheckSitecode      'Check Client SiteCode
	ClientVersionCheck 'Check Client Version
ElseIf Results = "" Or IsNull (Results) Then
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline "SMS Agent Host not found"
  End If
	WMIisCorrupt = "True"
End If

CheckSCCMInstall'Check to see if CCMSetup failed and fix error
Script_increment  'Increment Registery Key For script by 1 And move present value To history 		
Check_AdminShare ' Check Admin$ Share
Check_SMSLOCALADMIN'Check Local Admin account
WS-- USEnabled ' check to ensure windows update service is enabled

Function CheckSCCMInstall  
	On Error Resume Next
	booOverWrite = vbFalse
	CurrentDirectory = replace(WScript.ScriptFullName,WScript.ScriptName,"")
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "Starting CheckSCCMInstall with directory " & CurrentDirectory
	End If
	If fso.FolderExists("C:\Windows\System32\CCMSetup\LastError") Or fso.FolderExists("C:\Windows\CCMSetup\LastError") or WMIisCorrupt = "True"  or SomethingIsWrong = "True" Then
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "LastError folder exists or Can not connect to WMI.  Deinstalling client and reinstalling"
		End If
'     Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
'     Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name = 'CCMSETUP'")
' 		For Each objItem In colItems
' 			objItem.StopService()
' 		Next
	  WshShell.Run("Net Stop CCMSetup /Y"), 0, True
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Stopped CCMSEtup service if existed"
		End If
' ' 		Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'CCMSETUP.EXE'")
' ' 		For Each objItem In colItems
' ' 			objItem.Terminate()
' ' 		Next
' 		oFile = CurrentDirectory & "PSKILL.EXE"
' 		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
' 			logfile.Writeline  "Copying " & oFile
' 		End If
' 		fso.CopyFile oFile, "C:\Windows\Temp\", booOverWrite
' 		'WScript.Sleep 10000
' 		WshShell.Run "c:\Windows\Temp\pskill ccmsetup",,True
' 		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
' 			logfile.Writeline  "Stopped CCMSEtup process if existed"
' 		End If
		oFile = CurrentDirectory & "ccmclean.exe"
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Copying " & oFile
		End If
		fso.CopyFile oFile, "C:\Windows\Temp\", booOverWrite
		'WScript.Sleep 10000
		WshShell.Run "c:\Windows\Temp\CCMClean /all /q",,True
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Ran CCMClean 1"
		End If
		WshShell.Run "c:\Windows\Temp\CCMClean /all /q",,True
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Ran CCMClean 2"
		End If
		oFile = CurrentDirectory & "ccmdelcert.exe"
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Copying " & oFile
		End If
		fso.CopyFile oFile, "C:\Windows\Temp\", booOverWrite
		'WScript.Sleep 10000
		WshShell.Run "c:\Windows\Temp\ccmdelcert.exe",,True
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Ran CCMDelCert"
		End If
		fso.DeleteFile "C:\windows\SMSCFG.INI", True
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Delete SMSCFG.INI"
		End If
'     Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("Associators of " _
' 			& "{Win32_Service.Name='Winmgmt'} Where " _
' 			& "AssocClass=Win32_DependentService " & "Role=Antecedent" )
' 		For Each objItem In colItems 
' 			objItem.StopService()
' 		Next
' 		WScript.Sleep 20000
' 		Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery _
' 			("Select * from Win32_Service where Name='Winmgmt'")
' 		For Each objItem In colItems
' 			objItem.StopService()
' 		Next
		WshShell.Run("C:\Windows\System32\regsvr32.exe c:\windows\system32\atl.dll /s"),0, True
		WshShell.Run("C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe wbemupgd, UpgradeRepository"), 0, True
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Ran C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe wbemupgd, UpgradeRepository"
		End If
		WScript.Sleep 60000
		Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
		Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Service Where Name = 'WinMgmt'")
		For Each objItem In colItems
			Results = objItem.name
		If Results = "" Or IsNull(results) Then 
			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
				logfile.Writeline "WMI Is STILL Corrupt"
			End If
			WshShell.Run("Net Stop Winmgmt /Y"), 0, True
			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
				logfile.Writeline  "Stopped Winmgmt"
			End If	
			fso.DeleteFolder ("C:\Windows\System32\WBEM\Repository"), True
			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
				logfile.Writeline  "Deleted Repository"
			End If
			WshShell.Run("Net Start Winmgmt"), 0, True
			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
				logfile.Writeline  "Started Winmgmt"
			End If
			sFolder = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\System32\WBEM")
			Set oFolder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
			For Each oFile In oFolder.Files
				Select Case lCase(fso.GetExtensionName(oFile))
	  			Case "mof", "mfl"
	   			WshShell.Run oFolder & "\mofcomp.exe """ & oFile & """", 0, True
	   			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
						logfile.Writeline  "Compiled " & oFile
					End If
				End Select
			WshShell.Run("C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe wbemupgd, UpgradeRepository"), 0, True
			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
				logfile.Writeline  "Ran C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe wbemupgd, UpgradeRepository"
			End If		
			WScript.Sleep 60000
		End If
		fso.DeleteFolder ("C:\Windows\System32\CCMSetup"), True
		fso.DeleteFolder ("C:\Windows\CCMSetup"), True
		fso.DeleteFolder ("C:\Windows\System32\CCM"), True
		fso.DeleteFile ("C:\Windows\Temp\ccmclean.exe"), True
		fso.DeleteFile ("C:\Windows\Temp\ccmdelcert.exe"), True
' 		fso.DeleteFile ("C:\Windows\Temp\PSKILL.exe"), True
	End If
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "Ending CheckSCCMInstall"
	End If
End Function	

Function Check_Client_info
	On Error Resume Next
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "Starting Check_Client_info"
	End If
	Set SmsClient = GetObject("winmgmts:ROOT/CCM:SMS_Client=@")
	SMSClientVersion = SmsClient.ClientVersion
	If SMSClientVersion = "" Or IsNull (SMSClientVersion) Then
		SMSClientVersion = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client\ProductVersion")
	End If
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "Ending Check_Client_info"
	End If
End Function	

Function Script_increment
	On Error Resume Next
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting Script_increment"
	End If
	StrScanRun = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\Scan_Run")
	If StrScanRun = "" Or IsNull (StrScanRun) Then
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\Scan_Run"), "0"
		StrScanRun = StrScanRun + 1
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\Scan_Run"), StrScanRun
	End If
	If StrScanRun >= 2 Then
	End If
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "Ending Script_increment"
	End If
End Function	

Function Check_AdminShare
On Error Resume Next
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting Check_AdminShare "
	End If	
	Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
	Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Share Where Name = 'ADMIN$'")
	If colItems.Count > 0 Then
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\AdminShare_Check"), "Admin$ is present"
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "Admin$ is present"
		End If
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\AdminShare_Check"), "Admin$ Is missing"
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "Admin$ is missing"
		End If
		Set colItems = objWMI.execquery("select state from win32_service where name='LanmanServer'")
		For Each objItem In colItems
		Do Until Stopped = True
			Set colItems = objWMI.execquery("select state from win32_service where name='LanmanServer'")
			For Each objItem In colItems
				If lcase(objItem.State) = lcase("Stopped") Then
					Stopped = True
				End If
		Set colItems = objWMI.execquery("select state from win32_service where name='LanmanServer'")
		For Each objItem In colItems
	End If	
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "ending Check_AdminShare "
	End If	
End Function

	On Error Resume Next
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting  Check_SMSLOCALADMIN"
	End If	
	Set objLocalGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & strComputerName & "/Administrators, group")
	For Each objItem In objLocalGroup.Members 
	If InStr(UCase(objItem.ADSPath),UCase(strDomain & "/" & strGroupName)) <> 0 Then
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\Account_Check"), strAdmAcct & " is in the Admins group"
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline strAdmAcct & " is in the Admins group"
		End If
		bAlreadyExists = True
	End If
	If bAlreadyExists <> True Then
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\Account_Check"), strAdmAcct & " was not in Admins group - adding"
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  strAdmAcct & " was not in Admins group - adding"
		End If
		objLocalGroup.Add("WinNT://" & strDomain & "/" & strGroupName)
	End If  
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting  Check_SMSLOCALADMIN"
	End If	
End Function

Function WS-- USEnabled
	On Error Resume Next
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting WS-- USEnabled"
	End If
	Results = ServiceState("wuauserv")'Check Windows Update Status
	If LCase(Results) = LCase("Running")Then
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\WindowsUpdate_Service_Check"), "Running"
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "Auto Updates Serivice = " & Results
		End If
	ElseIf LCase(Results) = LCase("Stopped")Then
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "Auto Updates Serivice = " & Results
		End If
		Call EnableService("wuauserv") 
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\WindowsUpdate_Service_Check"), "Windows Update Service was Stopped"
	End If
	Set Results = Nothing
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "ending WS-- USEnabled"
	End If
End Function	 

Function ClientVersionCheck 
	On Error Resume Next
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting ClientVersionCheck "
	End If
	If SMSClientVersion = "" Then
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\CCM_Client_Check"), "Client Not Installed"
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "SMSClientVersion = NO CLIENT"
		End If
		Call AdvCliInst(ComSpec)
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "SMSClientVersion = " & SMSClientVersion
		End If
		Select Case SMSClientVersion
				' RTM 4.00.5931.0001
				' SP1 4.00.6221.1000
				' SP2 4.00.6487.2000
				' R3  4.00.6487.2157
			Case "4.00.6487.2157" ' SCCM SP2 R3 client version
			Case "4.00.6487.2000" ' SCCM SP2 client version
				If strLogging = "enabled" Then
					logfile.Writeline "Needs R3 hotfix"
				End If
				CurrentDirectory = replace(WScript.ScriptFullName,WScript.ScriptName,"")
				smsinstall =ComSpec & " /c msiexec.exe /p "& CurrentDirectory & "SMSClient\i386\hotfix\KB977384\sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp /L*v %TEMP%\sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp.LOG /q REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=mous"
			  WshShell.Run smsinstall,0,False
			  If strLogging = "enabled" Then
					logfile.Writeline "Install R3 hotfix"
				End If
		Case Else
			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
				logfile.Writeline  "ClientVersionCheck could not determine client version - installing client"
			End If
' 			WshShell.Run("Net Stop CCMSetup /Y"), 0, True
' 			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
' 				logfile.Writeline  "Stopped CCMSEtup service if existed"
' 			End If
' ' 		Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'CCMSETUP.EXE'")
' ' 		For Each objItem In colItems
' ' 			objItem.Terminate()
' ' 		Next
			oFile = CurrentDirectory & "PSKILL.EXE"
			fso.CopyFile oFile, "C:\Windows\Temp", True
			WshShell.Run "c:\Windows\Temp\pskill ccmsetup",,True
			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
				logfile.Writeline  "Stopped CCMSEtup process if existed"
			End If
			oFile = CurrentDirectory & "ccmclean.exe"
			fso.CopyFile oFile, "C:\Windows\Temp", True
			WshShell.Run "c:\Windows\Temp\CCMClean /all /q",,True
			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
				logfile.Writeline  "Ran CCMClean 1"
			End If
			WshShell.Run "c:\Windows\Temp\CCMClean /all /q",,True
			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
				logfile.Writeline  "Ran CCMClean 2"
			End If
			oFile = CurrentDirectory & "ccmdelcert.exe"
			fso.CopyFile oFile, "C:\Windows\Temp", True
			WshShell.Run "c:\Windows\Temp\ccmdelcert.exe",,True
			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
				logfile.Writeline  "Ran CCMDelCert"
			End If
			fso.DeleteFile "C:\windows\SMSCFG.INI", True
			If strLogging = "enabled" Then
				logfile.Writeline  "Delete SMSCFG.INI"
			End If
			fso.DeleteFolder ("C:\Windows\System32\CCMSetup"), True
			fso.DeleteFolder ("C:\Windows\CCMSetup"), True
			fso.DeleteFile ("C:\Windows\Temp\ccmclean.exe"), True
			fso.DeleteFile ("C:\Windows\Temp\ccmdelcert.exe"), True
			fso.DeleteFile ("C:\Windows\Temp\PSKILL.exe"), True
      Call AdvCliInst(ComSpec)
    End Select
	End If
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "ending ClientVersionCheck "
	End If
End Function	   

Function PolicyEval 	
	On Error Resume Next	
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting PolicyEval  "
	End If
	Set oFile = fso.GetFile (StrSCCMPath & "Logs\CCMExec.log")
	startdate = ofile.DateLastModified
	enddate = date()
	If isDate(startdate) Then
		diffdate = DateDiff("d", startdate, enddate)
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "CCMExec.log last accessed = " & diffdate
		End If
	End If
	If diffdate > 21 Then
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "CCMExec.log last accessed more than 21 days ago. Repair client"
		End If
		SomethingIsWrong = "True"
		call CheckSCCMInstall
		call AdvCliInst(ComSpec)
	End If
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "ending PolicyEval  "
	End If
End Function	

Function ContentTransferMangerEval	
	On Error Resume Next	
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting ContentTransferManager.log Eval  "
	End If
	Set oFile = fso.GetFile (StrSCCMPath & "Logs\ContentTransferManager.log")
	startdate = ofile.DateLastModified
		enddate = date()
	If isDate(startdate) Then
		diffdate = DateDiff("d", startdate, enddate)
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "ContentTransferManager.log last accessed = " & diffdate
		End If
	End If
	If diffdate > 45 Then
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "ContentTransferManager.log last accessed more than 45 days ago. Repair client"
		End If
		SomethingIsWrong = "True"
		call CheckSCCMInstall
		call AdvCliInst(ComSpec)
	End If
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "ending ContentTransferManager.log eval  "
	End If
End Function	 

Function InventoryAgentEval	
	On Error Resume Next	
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting InventoryAgent.log Eval  "
	End If
	Set oFile = fso.GetFile (StrSCCMPath & "Logs\InventoryAgent.log")
	startdate = ofile.DateLastModified
		enddate = date()
	If isDate(startdate) Then
		diffdate = DateDiff("d", startdate, enddate)
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "InventoryAgent.log last accessed = " & diffdate
		End If
	End If
	If diffdate > 10 Then
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline "InventoryAgent.log last accessed more than 10 days ago. Repair client"
		End If
		SomethingIsWrong = "True"
		call CheckSCCMInstall
		call AdvCliInst(ComSpec)
	End If
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "ending InventoryAgent.log eval  "
	End If
End Function	   

Function CheckSitecode  
' 	On Error Resume Next	
' 	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
' 		logfile.Writeline  "starting CheckSitecode   "
' 	End If		
' 	'Ensure that the client is auto assigned to sites and that the client is assigned to the correct site
' 	Set SmsClient = CreateObject ("Microsoft.SMS.Client")
' 	AssignedSite = SmsClient.GetAssignedSite
' 	If ((Len(strComputerName) = 13) And (Mid(strComputerName, 7, 1) = "X")) Then
' 				gstrSiteCode = Mid(strComputerName, 3, 4)
' 	end If
' 	WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\SCCM_AssignedSite"), AssignedSite
' 	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
' 		logfile.Writeline "SCCM Assigned Site = " & AssignedSite
' 	End If
' 	Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:ROOT/CCM:SMS_Client=@")
' 	AutoAssignedSite = objWMI.EnableAutoAssignment
' 	If AutoAssignedSite = True Then
' 		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\SCCM_AutoAssignment"), "TRUE"
' 		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
' 			logfile.Writeline "SCCM Auto Assignement = TRUE"
' 		End If
' 	Else 
' 		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\SCCM_AutoAssignment"), "FALSE"
' 		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
' 			logfile.Writeline "SCCM Auto Assignement = FALSE"
' 		End If
' 		SmsClient.EnableAutoAssignment 1
' 	End If
' 	If gstrSiteCode = "MN00" Then
' 		If AssignedSite <> "P01" Then
' 			SmsClient.SetAssignedSite("P01")
' 		End If	
' 	Else
' 		If AssignedSite <> "CEN" Then
' 			SmsClient.SetAssignedSite("CEN")
' 		End If	
' 	End If 
' 	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
' 		logfile.Writeline  "ending CheckSitecode   "
' 	End If	
End Function

Function KickService(servicename)
	On Error Resume Next
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting KickService " & servicename
	End If	
	Results = ServiceState(servicename)
	Set objWMI = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
	If Not LCase(Results) = LCase("Running")Then
		Set colItems = objWMI.execquery("select state from win32_service where name='" & servicename & "'")
		For Each objItem In colItems
			' Start Service
' 		Do Until Started = True
' 			Set colItems = objWMI.execquery("select state from win32_service where name='" & servicename & "'")
' 			For Each objItem In colItems
' 				If lcase(objItem.State) = lcase("Running") Then
' 					Started = True
' 				end If
' 			Next
' 		Loop
	End If 
	set Results = Nothing
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "ending KickService " & servicename
	End If	
End Function  

Function EnableService(servicename)
	On Error Resume Next
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting EnableService " & servicename
	End If
	Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Service.Name='" & servicename & "'")
		Results = objWMI.ChangeStartMode("automatic")
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "ending EnableService " & servicename
	End If
End Function

Function ServiceState(servicename)
 	On Error Resume Next
 	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting ServiceState " & servicename
	End If	
 	Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
   Set colItems = objWMI.execquery("select state from win32_service where name='" & servicename & "'")
   For Each objItem In colItems
   	Results = objItem.State
   If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  servicename & " is " & Results
	 End If	
     ServiceState = Results
    set Results = Nothing
 	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "ending ServiceState " & servicename
	End If	
End Function

Sub AdvCliInst(ComSpec)
	On Error Resume Next
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting AdvCliInst"
	End If	
	If ComSpec = "" Then
		CurrentDirectory = replace(WScript.ScriptFullName,WScript.ScriptName,"")
		smsinstall =ComSpec & " /c "& CurrentDirectory & "SMSClient\CCMSetup.exe" & InstallArgs
	  WshShell.Run smsinstall,0,True
	  If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Starting CCMSetup"
		End If	
		Do While GetObject("WinMgmts:/root/cimV2").ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name='CCMSetup.exe'").Count
			WScript.Sleep 1000
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Ending CCMSetup"
		End If	
		If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Starting R3 patch"
		End If	
		smsinstall =ComSpec & " /c msiexec.exe /p "& CurrentDirectory & "SMSClient\i386\hotfix\KB977384\sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp /L*v %TEMP%\sccm2007ac-sp2-kb977384-x86-enu.msp.LOG /q REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=mous"
	  WshShell.Run smsinstall,0,True
	  If strLogging = "enabled" Then
			logfile.Writeline  "Ending R3 patch"
		End If	
	End If
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "ending AdvCliInst"
	End If	
End Sub

Function SCCM_Install
	On Error Resume Next 
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting SCCM_Install"
	End If
	StrSCCMInstall = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\SCCM_Install")	
	If StrSCCMInstall = "" Or IsNull (StrSCCMInstall) Then
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\SCCM_Install"), "1"
		StrSCCMInstall = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\SCCM_Install")
		StrSCCMInstall = StrSCCMInstall + 1
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\SCCM_Install"), StrSCCMInstall
	End If
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "Ending SCCM_Install"
	End If
End Function

Function History_Shift
	On Error Resume Next
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "starting History_Shift"
	End If
	' CCM service History move
	strValueName = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\CCM_Service_Check")
	If strValueName = "" Or IsNull (strValueName) Then 
		strValueName = "CCM Service was Stopped"
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\CCM_Service_Check"), strValueName
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\HS_CCM_Service_Check"), strValueName
	End If	
	Set strValueName = Nothing	
	' Admin$ Check History move	
	strValueName = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\AdminShare_Check")
	If strValueName = "" Or IsNull (strValueName) Then 
		strValueName = "Admin$ Is missing"
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\AdminShare_Check"), strValueName
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\HS_AdminShare_Check"), strValueName
	End If	
	Set strValueName = Nothing
	'Account Check History move		
	strValueName = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\Account_Check")
	If strValueName = "" Or IsNull (strValueName) Then 
		strValueName = strAdmAcct & " was not in Admins group"
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\Account_Check"), strValueName
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\HS_Account_Check"), strValueName
	End If	
	Set strValueName = Nothing
	'Windows Update Service History move		
	strValueName = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\WindowsUpdate_Service_Check")
	If strValueName = "" Or IsNull (strValueName) Then 
		strValueName = "Windows Update service was not running"
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\WindowsUpdate_Service_Check"), strValueName
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\HS_WindowsUpdate_Service_Check"), strValueName
	End If	
	Set strValueName = Nothing
	'SCCM_AssignedSite History move		
	strValueName = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\SCCM_AssignedSite")
	If strValueName = "" Or IsNull (strValueName) Then 
		strValueName = "No Assigned Site"
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\SCCM_AssignedSite"), strValueName
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\HS_SCCM_AssignedSite"), strValueName
	End If	
	Set strValueName = Nothing
	'SCCM_AutoAssignment History move		
	strValueName = WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\SCCM_AutoAssignment")
	If strValueName = "" Or IsNull (strValueName) Then 
		strValueName = "SCCM Autoassignment failure"
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\SCCM_AutoAssignment"), strValueName
		WshShell.RegWrite ("HKLM\SOFTWARE\SCCM\SCCM_Health_Check\HS_SCCM_AutoAssignment"), strValueName
	End If	
	Set strValueName = Nothing
	If strLogging = "enabled" Then
		logfile.Writeline  "ending History_Shift"
	End If
End Function